Hooray! North Sulawesi School Students Invited to The Indonesian Air Force Aircraft Static Show
Sri Manado Air Base Pen, MSM – The Commander of the Sri Manado Air Base Marsma TNI M. Satriyo Utomo, SH., ordered the Head of the Logistics Service Colonel Kal Choirudin to lead the initial meeting to welcome the EMB-314 Super Tucano, in the office of the Head of the Sri Lanud Logistics Office, Mapanget, Manado, Thursday (21/07/2022).
Colonel Kal Choirudin continued Danlanud Sri’s message inviting all Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle and High School students in North Sulawesi. Learn up close with Indonesian Air Force aircraft, Static Show of EMB-314 Super Tucano combat training aircraft.
The plan, the plane will be held at the Base Ops Air Base Sam Ratulangi Manado. At the initiation of Danlanud Sri, children can take memorable photos to be contested. This is for elementary, middle and high school students. Meanwhile, for kindergarten children, a plane drawing coloring competition was held.
Babinpotdirga Sri Lanud today immediately moved to distribute invitations to all schools in Manado City and its surroundings.
“Hello students of Manado City and its surroundings! Marijo took part in the Photo Contest and Coloring Contest in the context of fostering the aerospace potential of Sri Lanud, with the theme Army of the Sky, far in the sky close to the heart. Taking pictures with the provisions of wearing school uniforms, posing in front of the plane. Unique and creative. Free photos!”, ordered Colonel Kal Choirudin.
Furthermore, the meeting resulted in a decision, the presence of this advanced counter insurgency capability training aircraft, is expected to attract the interest of the younger generation of North Sulawesi. Love the Indonesian Air Force more and later join the Air Force.
As for the provisions, school children who come must wear school uniforms. Participants must follow the Instagram account @lanud_sam_ratulangi.
It is mandatory to use the hashtag #fardilangit neardihati in the photo caption. Kindergarten children are required to bring a folding table and coloring stationery. “Marijo came, kong kase ngoni, got the best photo! Don’t forget to check the terms and conditions!”, said Letda (Sus) Agustinus Tangkidi as the contact person (08134073886). More information can be seen on IG and FB @lanud_sam_ratulangi. (*Rusli.H/red)
Berita Indonesia :
Hore! Siswa Sekolah Sulut Diundang ke Pertunjukan Statis Pesawat Udara TNI AU
Pen Lanud Sri Manado, MSM – Komandan Lanud Sri Manado Marsma TNI M. Satriyo Utomo, SH., memerintahkan Kepala Bidang Logistik Kolonel Kal Choirudin untuk memimpin pertemuan awal penyambutan EMB-314 Super Tucano, di kantor Kepala Kantor Logistik Sri Lanud, Mapanget, Manado, Kamis (21/7/2022).
Kolonel Kal Choirudin melanjutkan pesan Danlanud Sri dengan mengundang seluruh siswa TK, SD, SMP dan SMA se-Sulawesi Utara. Belajar dari dekat dengan pesawat TNI AU, Static Show pesawat latih tempur EMB-314 Super Tucano.
Rencananya, pesawat tersebut akan digelar di Pangkalan Ops Pangkalan Udara Sam Ratulangi Manado. Pada inisiasi Danlanud Sri, anak-anak dapat mengambil foto kenangan untuk dilombakan. Ini untuk siswa SD, SMP dan SMA. Sedangkan untuk anak TK diadakan lomba mewarnai gambar pesawat.
Babinpotdirga Sri Lanud hari ini langsung tergerak untuk membagikan undangan ke seluruh sekolah di Kota Manado dan sekitarnya.
“Halo mahasiswa Kota Manado dan sekitarnya! Marijo mengikuti Lomba Foto dan Lomba Mewarnai dalam rangka pembinaan potensi kedirgantaraan Sri Lanud, dengan tema Tentara Langit, Jauh di Langit Dekat di Hati. Berfoto dengan bekal mengenakan seragam sekolah, berpose di depan pesawat. Unik dan kreatif. Foto gratis!”, perintah Kolonel Kal Choirudin.
Lebih lanjut, pertemuan tersebut menghasilkan keputusan, kehadiran pesawat latih kemampuan counter insurgency yang canggih ini, diharapkan dapat menarik minat generasi muda Sulut. Cintai TNI AU semakin banyak dan kemudian bergabung dengan TNI AU.
Adapun ketentuannya, anak sekolah yang datang harus memakai seragam sekolah. Peserta wajib mengikuti akun Instagram @lanud_sam_ratulangi.
Wajib menggunakan hashtag #fardilangit neardihati pada caption foto. Anak TK wajib membawa meja lipat dan alat tulis mewarnai. “Marijo datang, kong kase ngoni, dapat foto terbaik! Jangan lupa cek syarat dan ketentuannya!”, ujar Letda (Sus) Agustinus Tangkidi selaku contact person (08134073886). Informasi selengkapnya bisa dilihat di IG dan FB @lanud_sam_ratulangi. (*Rusli.H/red)