Happy Mixed Happy, Static Show di Lanud Sri Manado Banyak Dikunjungi Masyarakat Sulut
Pen_Lanud_Sri, MSM – Pertunjukan statik Super Tucano EMB 314 TNI AU menarik animo masyarakat Sulut Manado di Lanud Sam Ratulangi, Lapangan, Mapanget, Manado, Sabtu (23/7/2022).
Komandan Lanud Sam Ratulangi Manado Marsma TNI M Satriyo Utomo S.H., dalam wawancara dengan media, mengatakan bahwa kehadiran pilot di Manado dengan 8 pesawat taktis akan melakukan operasi patroli udara.
“Pada saat yang sama mereka juga mahir. Jadi berlatih sebagaimana mestinya, mereka merasa seperti terbang di luar homebase mereka. Karena selama ini, pilot yang relatif muda telah melakukan penerbangan di sekitar homebase mereka di Lanud Abdul Rahman Saleh Malang,” kata Danlanud Sri Manado.
“Jadi kesempatan latihan saudara-saudara, terkait patroli udara. Disini salah satu operasi udara yang bertujuan mengamankan wilayah pengawasan udara khususnya di wilayah Sulut,” jelasnya.
Sehingga dimungkinkan Wilayah Udara Sulut aman dari segala bentuk pelanggaran teritorial dalam bentuk apapun.
Sementara itu, Ibu Meri, orang tua Abigail Mangadil mengungkapkan, hari ini dirinya dan anaknya sangat senang bisa melihat langsung pesawat-pesawat tempur TNI AU.
“Kapan anak saya bisa berfoto dengan pesawat dan juga dengan pilotnya. Anak saya sangat senang ketika melihat pesawat tempur itu sehingga anak saya berkata bahwa dia akan belajar dengan giat agar ketika dia dewasa dia bisa menjadi seorang pilot dan mampu membawa pesawat tempur”, jelasnya.
“Sebagai orang tua, saya merasa kegiatan TNI AU hari ini mendorong anak-anak saya untuk lebih giat dan giat belajar. Terima kasih TNI AU Lanud Sam Ratulangi Manado”, ujarnya.
Static Show hanya berlangsung selama 3 jam namun cukup meriah diikuti oleh berbagai lapisan masyarakat, TK, SD, SMP, SMA. Ada lomba yang diikuti 300 anak TK.
Static Show merupakan bagian dari program kerja Pengembangan Potensi Dirgantara (Binpotdirga) di Lanud Sri Manado, untuk memperkenalkan sistem pertahanan TNI Angkatan Udara agar masyarakat mengenal dan mencintai dunia kedirgantaraan Indonesia.
Awak dan pilot pesawat tempur Tucano EMB-314 sangat senang dan berpose bersama. Kesempatan itu bagi siswa SD, SMP, dan SMA untuk mengikuti lomba foto.
Hari ini bertepatan dengan Hari Anak Nasional. Sekaligus dalam rangkaian peringatan Hari TNI ke-75 Tahun 2022.
English :
Happy Mixed Happy, Static Show at Sri Manado Air Base Many People of North Sulawesi Visited
Pen_Lanud_Sri, MSM - The TNI AU's Super Tucano EMB 314 static show attracted the interest of the people of North Sulawesi Manado at Sam Ratulangi Air Base, Field, Mapanget, Manado, Saturday (23/7/2022).
The Commander of the Sam Ratulangi Air Base Manado Marsma TNI M Satriyo Utomo S.H., in an interview with the media, said that the presence of pilots in Manado with 8 tactical aircraft would carry out air patrol operations.
“At the same time they are also proficient. So training as they should, they feel like flying outside their homebase. Because all this time, relatively young pilots have been flying around their homebase at Abdul Rahman Saleh Air Base Malang," said Sri Manado Air Force Commander.
"So it's an opportunity for training, brothers and sisters, related to air patrols. This is one of the air operations aimed at securing the air surveillance area, especially in the North Sulawesi region," he explained.
So that it is possible that the North Sulawesi Airspace is safe from all forms of territorial violations in any form.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Meri, Abigail Mangadil's parent, said that today she and her child are very happy to be able to see the Indonesian Air Force fighter planes firsthand.
“When will my child be able to take pictures with the plane and also with the pilot. My son was so happy when he saw the fighter plane that my son said he would study hard so that when he grows up he can become a pilot and be able to carry a fighter plane,” he explained.
“As a parent, I feel that the TNI AU's activities today encourage my children to be more active and study hard. Thank you TNI AU Sam Ratulangi Air Base Manado," he said.
The Static Show only lasted for 3 hours but was quite lively attended by various levels of society, kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school. There was a competition which was attended by 300 kindergarten children.
The Static Show is part of the Aerospace Potential Development (Binpotdirga) work program at the Sri Manado Air Base, to introduce the Indonesian Air Force defense system so that people know and love the world of Indonesian aerospace.
The crew and pilots of the Tucano EMB-314 fighter are very happy and pose together. The opportunity was for elementary, middle, and high school students to take part in a photo competition.
Today coincides with National Children's Day. At the same time in a series of commemorations of the 75th TNI Day in 2022.
(*Rusli/red )