Banten BPPKB Held the 24th Harlah at the Pancasila Building in Pandeglang Square

Pandeglang, MSM –

The Central Executive Board (DPP) of the Banten Indonesia BPPKB held the 24th Harlah Ormas of the Banten Large Family Potential Development Agency (BPPKB), at the Pancasila Building (GP) Pandeglang Regency, Sunday (17/07/2022).

Harlah’s activity was attended by H. Noer Indradjaja, SH General Chairperson of Banten BPPKB DPP, H.TB. Endoh Sugriwa, Banten Province DPD BPPKB Chairperson, Prof. DR. TB. Dudung Sugriwa Secretary General of the DPP BPPKB Banten, H.TB. Kusai Muroh, S.Pd, SH, MH Deputy Secretary General of the DPP BPPKB Banten, Advisor, Trustee, Head of Women’s Empowerment (Hj. Firza Husen Maskati), Head of Human Resources BPPKB Akhmad Ripai SE , Ratu AAS Chairperson of the Harlah Committee, the Supervisory Board of the Banten BPPKB DPP (H. Erro Kusnandar) and members of the Banten BPPKB Ormas throughout Indonesia, which are centered in Pandeglang Regency. also by several Debus BPPKB Banten who were in the Harlah BPPKB Banten event.

H. Noer Indradjaja expressed his gratitude to the management and members of BPPKB Banten and all parties who have made this event a success,” he said.

“BPPKB Banten since its establishment until now has always partnered with the government and helps the community, helping the police to secure the community, not becoming a parasite and not becoming a parasite, must be competent PKBM, create jobs to help the community,” he explained.

It is hoped that the Banten BPPKB will not commit thuggery, there is no door for Banten BPPKB members to do it in that direction, “he hoped.

The anniversary of the Banten BPPKB’s birthday at the Regency or Municipal DPC level should have been extraordinary with the presence of so many Banten BPPKB Members, so they could not be accommodated in this place, so I beg the committee if holding this event it should be in an open field, “he asked.

“Alhamdulillah, the event took place according to our mutual wishes which aims to create a safe, smooth and conducive Kamtibmas situation until the Banten BPPKB Harlah activity is completed and this cannot be separated from the escort and security from the Police, Banten Police, Pandeglang Police, who dispatched dozens of personnel,” anticipating the large number of invited participants, BPPKB Banten closed.

(*Rusli/Andika )

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